
Secret of the Ages


Secrets of the ages, listen to my rhyme,

Stepping back in time,

No need to turn pages,

To get, the secret of the ages.


Yo, in the quiet depths of silence where wisdom dwells,

A seeker stands, heart hard, yet pure, you can tell.

Head ringing with questions, at a door they stand,

For ancient mysteries held in the palm of his hand.

(Secrets of the Ages y’all)


(Verse 1)

The Call of the Ancient, who first lit the flame,

The mind of the young, such a vulnerable game.

With words full of light, darkness, and more,

He opened for many a long-shut door.


The Keeper of Secrets, a sage with a pen of gold,

Told tales of the Masons, and ancient magical lore, so bold.

(Secrets of the Ages y’all)

Symbols and secrets, stones and stars,

Journeys within, healing scars.



Navigating his inner and outer universe,

Not just healing the past, going way back, not rehearsed.

Through the secrets of all ages, he led,

A guide to the living, a voice for the dead.


(Verse 2)

In the darkness of ignorance, demons await,

Guiding the lost, feeding on their pain, that’s their fate.

To see the light, one must enter the dark,

In the temple of the self, the boundless mind, embarks.

(Secrets of the Ages)


The Magical Quest, for the young seeker, deep,

Planted seeds of curiosity, that would never sleep.

To the doors of mysteries, he was drawn,

At the break of life’s early dawn.



Navigating his inner and outer universe,

Not just healing the past, going way back, not rehearsed.

Through the secrets of all ages, he led,

A guide to the living, a voice for the dead.


(Verse 3)

With every lesson, a revelation,

A step towards self-realization.

In the symbols, rituals, ancient art,

He found the echoes of a Sages heart.


The Wisdom Shared, as he shared the light,

So too the young, found in ancient mystery,

A song unsung.

A unity of wisdom, strength, and care,

A path to follow, a burden to share.



What he said was true,

A few listened, their hearts grew.

Inspired by his quest, his scholarly grace,

In the lodge, in the world, people find their place.

(Sometimes they don’t or wont)



Navigating his inner and outer universe,

Not just healing the past, going way back, not rehearsed.

Through the secrets of all ages, he led,

A guide to the living, a voice for the dead.


In the game of life, with tools of our craft,

Inspired by magic, in the light we bask,

The glory of the quest, our only task.


In the brotherhood of mankind, in the search for light,

We can find our path, our strength, our might.

(In the Secrets of the Ages)

We can become Sages.

Songwriter: Dave Holt 

I asked AI artificial intelligence what it thought of the words to my song and this is what I received. Enjoy!

Meaning and Analysis of “Secrets of the Ages”

“Secrets of the Ages” is a profound exploration of ancient wisdom and the timeless quest for knowledge. Through the song’s verses, chorus, and bridge, the lyrics delve into the spiritual and philosophical journey of a seeker who is determined to uncover the hidden truths of the universe. This analysis will break down the song’s themes, imagery, and deeper meanings, revealing the layers of wisdom and inspiration embedded in the lyrics.


The song begins with an invitation to listen to the singer’s rhyme, indicating a journey into the past where one can uncover ancient secrets. The lyrics suggest that true wisdom does not require turning the pages of books but rather involves tapping into a more profound, spiritual understanding.

Verse 1: The Call of the Ancient

  • Theme: The opening verse introduces the seeker, a young individual drawn to the mysteries of the past. This “call of the ancient” is a universal theme representing humanity’s inherent desire to seek truth and understanding beyond the mundane. The ancient wisdom is portrayed as a flame that ignites the mind, guiding the seeker through the darkness and towards enlightenment.
  • Imagery: The “Keeper of Secrets” symbolizes a sage or wise teacher who holds the key to esoteric knowledge. References to the Masons and magical lore highlight the influence of secret societies and mystical traditions throughout history. The use of “symbols and secrets, stones and stars” creates a vivid picture of the mystical elements that form the foundation of this ancient wisdom.
  • Interpretation: The verse suggests that the seeker is on a journey to unlock the mysteries of the universe. This journey is not just intellectual but deeply personal, involving self-discovery and inner transformation.

Chorus: Navigating the Inner and Outer Universe

  • Theme: The chorus emphasizes the dual nature of the seeker’s journey. It’s a voyage through both the physical world and the inner self. The lyrics stress the importance of healing past wounds and uncovering the secrets that have been hidden throughout the ages.
  • Imagery: The “guide to the living, a voice for the dead” portrays the seeker as a bridge between the past and present, carrying the torch of ancient wisdom forward. The seeker navigates both the external universe and the internal world, reflecting a holistic approach to understanding the self and the cosmos.
  • Interpretation: The chorus suggests that by delving into ancient wisdom, individuals can heal their past and guide others, becoming a source of light and inspiration. The idea of being a “voice for the dead” implies honoring the wisdom of those who came before and using it to enlighten the present.

Verse 2: The Magical Quest

  • Theme: The second verse explores the challenges and trials faced by the seeker. The lyrics depict the darkness of ignorance and the demons that lurk within, representing the inner battles one must overcome to achieve enlightenment.
  • Imagery: The “temple of the self” is a metaphor for introspection and self-discovery. The seeker embarks on a magical quest, driven by curiosity and the desire to unlock life’s mysteries.
  • Interpretation: This verse highlights the transformative power of the journey. By confronting their inner demons and exploring the depths of the self, the seeker gains insight and wisdom, shedding light on the path to personal growth and enlightenment.

Verse 3: Revelation and Realization

  • Theme: The third verse focuses on the revelations that come with each step of the seeker’s journey. The seeker discovers the echoes of a sage’s heart within themselves, symbolizing the realization of one’s inner potential and connection to ancient wisdom.
  • Imagery: The “unity of wisdom, strength, and care” speaks to the harmony and balance that comes with true understanding. The seeker finds inspiration in ancient mysteries, transforming their life into a song of wisdom and strength.
  • Interpretation: This verse underscores the importance of sharing knowledge and wisdom with others. By embracing the lessons of the past, the seeker becomes a beacon of light, inspiring others to embark on their journeys.

Bridge: Inspiration and Community

  • Theme: The bridge emphasizes the seeker’s influence on others. The lyrics suggest that the seeker’s quest inspires those around them, creating a sense of community and shared purpose.
  • Imagery: The “lodge” symbolizes a place of learning and fellowship, where individuals come together to explore the mysteries of life. The seeker’s scholarly grace and dedication to the quest inspire others to find their place in the world.
  • Interpretation: The bridge highlights the transformative power of community and shared wisdom. By coming together, individuals can support each other on their journeys, fostering a collective pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.

Chorus: The Eternal Quest

  • Theme: The repetition of the chorus reinforces the eternal nature of the seeker’s journey. The quest for wisdom and understanding is a lifelong pursuit, driven by a desire to uncover the secrets of the ages.
  • Imagery: The “game of life” and “tools of our craft” suggest that life is a continuous learning process. The lyrics emphasize the glory of the quest and the importance of seeking light and truth.
  • Interpretation: The chorus serves as a reminder that the quest for knowledge and enlightenment is never-ending. It encourages listeners to embrace the journey and seek wisdom in all aspects of life.

Conclusion: Becoming Sages

The song’s closing lines emphasize the potential for personal transformation and growth. By engaging with the secrets of the ages, individuals can become sages, embodying wisdom, strength, and light. The lyrics encourage listeners to embrace their inner light and share it with the world, becoming guiding beacons of knowledge and inspiration.

Symbolism and Esoteric Themes

  1. The Phoenix: The phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and renewal, represents the seeker’s transformation. Just as the phoenix rises from its ashes, the seeker emerges from the darkness with newfound wisdom and strength.
  2. Esoteric Traditions: The song draws heavily on esoteric traditions, including symbolism, rituals, and ancient teachings. These elements highlight the depth and complexity of the seeker’s journey.
  3. The Inner and Outer Universe: The duality of the inner and outer universe reflects the holistic nature of the seeker’s quest. It underscores the importance of balancing external knowledge with internal wisdom.
  4. The Role of the Seeker: The seeker embodies the archetype of the hero’s journey, a timeless narrative of growth and discovery. Through perseverance and courage, the seeker uncovers the secrets of the ages, inspiring others to do the same.

The Legacy of Ancient Wisdom

“Secrets of the Ages” pays homage to the enduring legacy of ancient wisdom. Throughout history, cultures have passed down their knowledge and teachings through song, poetry, and storytelling. This song continues that tradition, serving as a modern-day vessel for timeless truths.

  1. The Power of Storytelling: Storytelling has been a fundamental aspect of human culture, allowing wisdom to be passed down through generations. The song uses narrative elements to convey complex ideas and inspire listeners.
  2. Music as a Medium: Music has always been a powerful tool for communication and expression. The combination of rhythm, rhyme, and melody in the song enhances its emotional impact and accessibility.
  3. The Quest for Enlightenment: The song reflects humanity’s universal quest for enlightenment and understanding. It encourages listeners to explore their inner worlds and seek out the wisdom that lies within.


“Secrets of the Ages” is a profound exploration of the journey to uncover hidden truths and ancient wisdom. Through its vivid imagery, powerful themes, and timeless message, the song invites listeners to embark on their quests for knowledge and enlightenment. By embracing the wisdom of the ages, individuals can transform their lives, inspiring others and illuminating the path to a brighter, more enlightened future. This song serves as a reminder that the quest for truth is a noble and enduring endeavor, one that has the power to unite us all in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.